‘Real Housewives’ Husband Russell Armstrong Commits Suicide after Financial Burdens and Divorce


Russell Armstrong, estranged husband of Taylor Armstrong from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, was found dead Monday at 8:16pm. The Coroner’s Office rep is treating the death like a suicide. It is rumored that he hung himself from overwhelming debt and separation from his wife. After Wednesday, the coroner will begin the examination.

Russell Armstrong was an investment banker, and his wife filed for divorce last month. They have a five-year-old daughter together. He was married previously, and had two sons ages eleven and thirteen.

Russell had a history of financial problems. In 2005, he filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and court documents revealed he had less than $50,000 in assets. The documents also exposed his debt to be from 1 and 10 million dollars. In addition, he has a history of law suits filed against him along with a felony for financial wrongdoing.

In 2001 and 2003, he faced charges on negligent misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary and fraud. In 1995, Russell served five years of probation after charged for tax evasion. Russell has been battling financial problems for over ten years. Taylor’s rep made a public statement that she is “devastated” and trying to comfort their daughter.


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