Chris Tucker Gets Rid of Two Florida Homes


Stuck in a financial hole, Chris Tucker decides to get rid of two homes in Florida that he owns.

The first property was an 8,861 sq-ft, 5-bedroom waterfront home in Lake County. This home sold for $2 million after the bank accepted the bid in a short sale. Reports say he owed $4.4 million. The property was originally purchased for $6 million.

The second property sold for $1.05 million. He was asking for $1.5 million. According to records, Tucker still owes Uncle Sam $11.5 million in back taxes.

Luckily, a new Friday movie is on its way with Tucker in the cast.

Chris Tucker $6 Million Home in Foreclosure

Chris Tucker
Chris Tucker, the “Rush Hour” star’s home is in Foreclosure. He purchased the 10,000-square foot waterfront home in 2007. The mansion is worth $6 million in Lake Apoka, just outside of Orlando, Florida. The Circuit Court in Lake County reports Tucker owes the bank $4.4 million.

The documents from the courts show an $11.5 million IRS lien on the home. This 2011 lien is to collect federal income taxes from Tucker. In addition, the documents show his monthly mortgage payment at $25,812.50

Tucker has not commented on the foreclosure filing yet. Reports show he has rescheduled his comedy show because of “unforeseen circumstances.”