OctoCelebration! Nadya Suleman Safe From Foreclosure!
I knew this story would continue. Octoslob Nadya Suleman has been pulled from the grips of foreclosure by her Octotenticles. The AP is reporting that she has made a deal to keep paying her mortgage (wasn’t that the original deal?), in order to remain in her house. Geez.
In other news, Octo will be making 5k a month from Peta for keeping spay or neuter signs on her lawn. Hmm, someone should spay her.
OctoSaurus! Under Foreclosure AGAIN!

Octomom getting her toe nails primped.
I couldn’t make this up if I tried. Nadya Suleman is under threat of being foreclosed again! Apparently her father had to make a balloon payment of $450,000. The payment hasn’t been made along with another scant payment of over $4k.
A private party owns the OctoMortgage on the property (not a bank). The Mortgage holder is starting the proceeds for a foreclosure.
I am sure this not the last we have heard of this OctoSaga. We will keep you updated as more information comes out.
Nicolas Cage Gets Hit For Not Paying His Rolls
Nicolas Cage has yet to see a day where he isn’t some legal battle. Cage is now being sued for not making payemts on two very swanky Rolls Royces. Cage seems to be a target for anyone these days.
The company that is suing him is Premier Financial Services, a leasing company that Nic used for these cars. Cage is being sued for a breach of contract after he didn’t pay them resulting in the cars being sold as a wholesale price.
One of the cars was a 1964 Rolls Royce SClll, which is worth over $550k. He was required to pay $7,663 a month for that bad boy. The other car is a 2002 Rolls Royce which he paid $3,630 a month.
Nicolas Cage is definitely not tight on money. If you weren’t around before, Cage still owes $6 million in unpaid taxes to the IRS. Nic needs to start making some more big blockbusters to get out of this mess.